This is my first blog so be gentle :-).
Everyone around me know that I have no problem when it comes to talking. I babble and babble a lot. Since I am skinny person my friend once said looking at you I know which organ spends most of calories...tongue :-)))).
But when I need to post few words about my design on Instagram I am speechless. I haven't discover the inside problem of that ( shall talk with some expert :-)) but blog is maybe the perfect way to work on that issue.

1. Dallas sofa , UK, 2.Darton accent armchair, UK, 3.Dutchbone round coffee table, 4. Floor lamp Loke,, 5. Tonos visose rug, UK,6. Wall art, 7. Oversized clock, Barker and, 8. Cushion Cobblestone, Barker and, 9. Cushion STIX, Barker and, 10. Cushion cover,, 11. Velvet curtains, UK
Photo above is a sample board of interior design project I did for my brother. Designing for friends and family might be the hardest thing to do. You want to be professional and let them decide on the way they want to decorate and on the other hand you give them in good will tips as a daughter, sister or a friend..
After few "fights" about kitchen island in a small space and how in my opinion that is not a good idea we made the deal about design.
Lucky for me everything I proposed about the interior design style worked very well. Same blood type :-).
He is an IT programmer and works from home so home office was must have. Since it is a small apartment and he lives alone big dining table is not necessary but I proposed the same size and type of dining table and office desk so when the guys come on Saturday night for a dinner or a beer he can put them together and have a place to sit for everybody (there where he wanted a kitchen island :-)))).
Plan was to do renovation this spring but this Corona crisis came and now everything is stopped so him and I will have to wait till this design becomes reality.

So I did it. I wrote my first blog post. Short but significant.Hopefully I will manage to transfer all my thoughts about interior design in words.
If you want to shop the specific items that I proposed for his industrial look design click on the photos above.
I use affiliate links on my interior design blog which means that I earn a little commission on any sales made if you buy anything through the links on this site. This just covers the cost of running the blog and means I can keep writing : ).